Tripwire ships a unique promo

Unless you or your family hails from Southeast Asia, you may not be familiar with the venerable tiffin — a multi-story lunch canister that’s used every day by billions of people. Portland-based cyber security company Tripwire worked with Angled End to produce...

Tripwire launches a military-style field guide

Portland-based cyber security company Tripwire worked with Angled End to produce a field guide for security professionals that was efficient, on-brand and fun. The 32-page booklet featured a “tattered” cover as well as diagrams and iconography mimicking...

Yarish Plastic Surgery gets a big redesign

Plastic surgeons do amazing things to the human body, but they aren’t known for having the most impressive websites. Dr. Scott Yarish decided he wanted to buck the curve and worked with Angled End to develop a web presence that would be a cut above the rest (so...

The Remedy Group gets a redesign

Several years after Angled End developed the original Remedy Group logo and website, simplified marketing goals called for a redesign! The new site focuses primarily on the home page and includes an auto-playing video at the top. Check it out here...

Announcing the shiny, new Greycourt website

We’re thrilled to launch the much-improved web presence for investment advising firm Greycourt, who are based in Pittsburgh and have offices in Portland, Houston and Minneapolis. The new site covers all of the standard modern web design bases: fully responsive,...

Williamson & Associates Gets Some Upgrades

The website of our long-time client Williamson & Associates, a top Portland accounting firm, has just gotten some important upgrades: Full responsiveness. Previously the Williamson site was using an aftermarket plugin to handle responsiveness. This solution worked...

Announcing the ResumeSpice website

We’re proud to announce the brand-new, responsive and Retina-friendly website for startup venture ResumeSpice, a resume building and improving service created by the staffing industry experts at Houston-based Murray Resources. ResumeSpice offers a rich menu of options...

Angled End awarded for our new website

The Summit International Awards has bestowed Angled End with the bronze award for Self-Promotion Website. We’re honored and thankful to the Summit judges. Thank...