Tripwire ships a unique promo

Unless you or your family hails from Southeast Asia, you may not be familiar with the venerable tiffin — a multi-story lunch canister that's used every day by billions of people. Portland-based cyber security company Tripwire worked with Angled End to produce a unique...

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The Remedy Group gets a redesign

Several years after Angled End developed the original Remedy Group logo and website, simplified marketing goals called for a redesign! The new site focuses primarily on the home page and includes an auto-playing video at the top. Check it out here...

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Williamson & Associates Gets Some Upgrades

The website of our long-time client Williamson & Associates, a top Portland accounting firm, has just gotten some important upgrades: Full responsiveness. Previously the Williamson site was using an aftermarket plugin to handle responsiveness. This solution worked...

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Announcing the ResumeSpice website

We’re proud to announce the brand-new, responsive and Retina-friendly website for startup venture ResumeSpice, a resume building and improving service created by the staffing industry experts at Houston-based Murray Resources. ResumeSpice offers a rich menu of options...

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